Top 5 Best Hacking Tool
Armitage is best GUI form of Metaploit Framework. Metasploit is one of the best tool for ruuning and handling exploit on Linux.Many Professional Ethical-Hackers and Pentesters also use this tool for testing security on Network.Armitage is best tool for break the security of network. Armitage is preinstalled in Kali OS Latest Version.
Hashcat is the self-proclaimed world’s fastest CPU-based password recovery tool. It is one best tools cracking password.This hacking tool can done all type of attack and decrypt your hash.
Basically hashcat use for brute-force attack,dictionary attack,hybrid attack and rule based attack.Hashcat is preinstalled in Kali OS.
Wireshark is free and open source packet analyzer for Linux and Windows.This tool can capture all type of packets in connected network.Wireshark can sniff all type of data in network.Preinstalled in Kali.
Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)
SET is collection of some best exploits for hacking.This is best exploit tools of phishing,spoofing and daoing lots of stuff.This is preinstalled in Kali OS
Wifite is tool for hacking wifi password.This wifi hacking tool can hack almost all type of encrytion like WPA,WEP and WPA-2.
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